Mobil’s best fuel ever is coming to a Mobil and 7-Eleven station near you.

Unless otherwise specified, all claims are compared to unadditised fuel. Actual benefits may vary depending on various factors including, without limitation, engine type, driving style, and fuel previously used.

  • Synergy Supreme+ 98

    Mobil Supreme+ (RON98)

    • 3X cleaner engine for better mileage1
    • Superior fuel economy
    • Maximises engine performance2
    • Maximum engine protection2
    • Reduces wear, friction, and corrosion
    • Removes 50% of harmful engine deposits3

  • Synergy Extra 95

    Mobil Extra (RON95)

    • Cleans up harmful engine deposits
    • Improves fuel economy
    • Enhances engine performance
    • Improves engine protection
    • Reduces friction and corrosion

  • Synergy Special E10

    Mobil Unleaded E10 –
    A unique blend that contains up to 10% Ethanol

    • Cleans up harmful engine deposits
    • Improves fuel economy
    • Reduces friction and corrosion

  • Synergy Special Unleaded 91

    Mobil Unleaded (RON91)

    • Cleans up harmful engine deposits
    • Improves fuel economy
    • Reduces friction and corrosion

  • Synergy Special Diesel

    Mobil Diesel Efficient

    • Improves fuel economy
    • Reduces maintenance
    • Excellent corrosion protection
    • Enhances engine performance and responsiveness
    • Lower emissions

1 Claims are compared to Mobil Unleaded fuel in port fuel injection engines.

2 Claims are compared to Mobil Unleaded and Mobil Extra fuel.

3 Based on industry standard engine tests in port fuel injection and gasoline direct injection engines.

The best fuel ever claim is based on comparison with Mobil fuels with previous generation additive technology within the same grade.

All Mobil Diesel Efficient claims are based on internal and third-party customer testing, laboratory testing and/or literature support. Fuel economy and emissions testing was performed in the United Kingdom using on-road trucks comparing performance to unadditised diesel.

Excludes the following sites: Mobil Atherton, Mobil Innisfail, Mobil Mareba, Mobil On Spence, Mobil Sheridan Street, Mobil Tully, Mobil Brinsmead, Mobil Cooktown, Mobil Edmonton, Mobil Edmonton Central, Mobil Gordonvale, Mobil Ingham Tank, Mobil Mirriwinni, Mobil Mourilyan, Mobil Sugarbag, Mobil Tolga, Mobil Yorkeys Knob, Mobil Ingham Road, Mobil Barcaldine, Mobil Adelaide River.